A Raw Food Plan - For More Energy And Vitality

Congratulations! You're on your way to healthier eating. Maybe it's week one, two or five for you of adopting a healthier diet - no more junk food, fast food, processed food. Perhaps you've even made the commitment to go vegan and dump the meat and dairy. You're adventuring into eating greens, veggies, fruits and whole grains.

You see, the medical profession is now looking at the sinusitis food connection differently than they used. Now they emphasize adding foods to your diet that are good for you and enhance your immune system. The premise is, the healthier you are overall, the better your body can take care of any infections you may have.

A tried and tested lose weight food, the best way to use dairy food to lose weight is to eat the low fat cheese and yogurt and drink skim milk. They say it is the calcium in dairy products that do the job but for some reason, the only way it works is if you get the calcium through dairy foods exclusively. The calcium supports your metabolism. That doesn't sound very exciting, but what is exciting is that people everywhere are reporting that it works for them. Even people who were already dieting and losing weight have tried adding the required amounts of dairy to their diet and report that they lose more weight with the dairy food than without it.

How do you know if you have a food allergy? There are two ways to check for a food allergy.. the first one is to go your doctor and ask to have some allergy testing.. The other test is called the elimination diet... take one thing out of your diet that you eat frequently like dairy. Remove dairy from your diet for one to two weeks. See how you feel. Put the dairy back into your diet and see what happens. If you don't see a difference, then dairy isn't a problem for you. If you suddenly see your symptoms have returned, you have found your problem. Keep your experiment going until your find your culprit. REMEMBER: There may be more than one problem food.

Lean meat, especially lean beef, is loaded with protein and iron. One serving of beef chuck roast has almost 27 grams of protein. Beef also contains muscle-building amino acids, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Iron and zinc are essential to build bigger, stronger muscles. Choose lean cuts of beef with the fat trimmed or trim the fat yourself. Skinless chicken is also an excellent source of protein and essential fatty acids. Choose dark meat chicken, such as legs and thighs, for more iron and zinc in addition to protein.

Now, there is a considerable amount of argument both for and against consumption of soy products by humans or animals. Rather than comparing studies of which the data can be manipulated on both sides, let's consider some fundamentals instead. First, no single food product should be consumed in huge amounts. Remember the sage advice of balance and moderation? There are some people who are happy to drink a half-gallon of milk per day along with consuming eight or more ounces of cheese, plus consume other milk-based products such as yogurt and ice cream. They just love their dairy products!

It is advised that foods with a high proportion of calories from fat should be eliminated or limited in the diet as they are regarded as one of the many causative factors in coronary heart disease, hence the anti-dairy food campaign!

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